Collection: Pixar: Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo is a popular animated film franchise from Pixar that tells the heartwarming story of the little clownfish Nemo and his father Marlin. The two are separated and Marlin sets off on an adventurous journey across the ocean to find his son. He is accompanied by the forgetful Dory, which provides many humorous and touching moments. With its detailed underwater world, charming characters and a strong message about family and courage, "Finding Nemo" is a timeless classic for all ages. On you will find a special selection of BE@RBRICKs that depict the iconic characters from "Finding Nemo" in creative and colorful designs. These unique collectibles are perfect for fans of the film and for collectors who want to expand their collection with BE@RBRICKs that capture the magic and beauty of the oceans. Immerse yourself in the world of "Finding Nemo"!

Pixar: Findet Nemo