Collection: Pixar: WALL-E

"WALL E" is an award-winning animated film by Pixar released in 2008. The film tells the story of the small garbage robot WALL E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter: Earth-Class), who was left alone on the deserted Earth to clean up the remains of humanity. After centuries of loneliness, he discovers the meaning of friendship and love when he meets the highly advanced robot EVE. Together they set off on an adventurous journey that changes not only the fate of humanity, but also their own future.

"WALL·E" captivates with its profound, environmentally conscious message and the emotional connection that the taciturn robot builds with the audience. The futuristic world and the impressive animation have made "WALL·E" a classic. On you can experience the magic of this film with unique BE@RBRICK figures that capture the charming character and essence of "WALL·E".

Pixar: WALL-E