Collection: Pixar: Up
Up is a moving animated film by Pixar released in 2009. The story follows Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old widower who wants to fulfill his life's dream by using thousands of balloons to raise his house into the air. On his journey to Paradise Falls, however, he discovers that eight-year-old boy scout Russell has accidentally flown with him. Together they experience an exciting adventure, meet new friends like the talking dog Dug and the colorful bird Kevin, and learn important lessons about friendship, loss and the meaning of new adventures in life.
"Up" is known for its emotional depth, especially the heart-rending portrayal of Carl's love for his late wife Ellie. With its humorous, adventurous and touching moments, the film has established itself as a timeless Pixar classic. The unforgettable message: It's never too late to enjoy life to the fullest!
BE@RBRICK 11 - Old Man Carl Christmas Version (100%)
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BE@RBRICK 20 - Old Man Carl's Flying House (100%)
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BE@RBRICK 33 - Old Man Carl & Old Man Carl's Flying House (100%)
Regular price €34,95 EURRegular priceUnit price / per