Collection: Pixar: A Bug's Life
A Bug's Life is a 1998 animated film by Pixar. Set in the world of insects, the story follows Flik, a creative ant who is constantly getting into trouble in his colony. When the ants are threatened by a group of grasshoppers led by the tyrannical Hopper, Flik sets out to get help. Instead of real warriors, however, he brings back a motley crew of circus insects, which leads to unexpected adventures.
The film combines humor, suspense and the message that it takes courage to be different and to stand up for what is right. With its impressive animation and lovingly designed characters - from the brave ant Flik to the terrifying grasshopper Hopper - "A Bug's Life" shows the importance of solidarity and ingenuity. The film is one of the early Pixar classics and has established itself as a popular family film.
BE@RBRICK 12 - Flik Christmas Version (100%)
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BE@RBRICK 21 - A Bug's Life (100%)
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BE@RBRICK 34 - Flick Christmas Version & A Bug's Life (100%)
Regular price €34,95 EURRegular priceUnit price / per