Collection: Film franchise: Despicable Me

"Despicable Me" is a globally successful animated film franchise that inspires with its unique mix of humor, heart and quirky characters. The focus is on the villain Gru, who gradually turns into a lovable hero while trying to take over the world - and at the same time raises three orphan girls. At his side are the popular Minions, little yellow helpers who create unforgettable moments with their innocent chaos and humor. On you will find an exciting selection of BE@RBRICKs that depict the most famous characters from "Despicable Me" in unique designs. Whether Gru, the Minions or other characters from the franchise - these BE@RBRICKs are a must for collectors and fans who want to immortalize the crazy and lovable world of "Despicable Me" in their collection. Discover the funny and charming characters in BE@RBRICK form now!

Film-Franchise: Ich - Einfach unverbesserlich