Collection: Pixar: Ratatouille
Ratatouille is an acclaimed animated film by Pixar released in 2007. Set in Paris, the story revolves around Remy, an unusual rat with a strong talent for cooking. His biggest dream is to become a famous chef, although he constantly encounters obstacles due to his nature as a rat. When he meets the young kitchen helper Linguini, an unusual partnership is formed: Remy secretly helps him to conjure up great dishes by directing him under the hat.
"Ratatouille" shows in a charming and humorous way that passion, talent and courage can overcome all obstacles - no matter where you come from. The film impresses with its detailed animation of the Parisian setting, the attention to detail in the dishes and its heart-rending message about pursuing dreams. The mixture of humor, heart and culinary magic has made "Ratatouille" a timeless classic.
BE@RBRICK 13 - Remy Christmas Version (100%)
Regular price €19,95 EURRegular priceUnit price / per -
BE@RBRICK 22 - Remy's Delicious Restaurant (100%)
Regular price €19,95 EURRegular priceUnit price / per -
BE@RBRICK 35 - Remy Christmas Version & Remy's Delicious Restaurant (100%)
Regular price €34,95 EURRegular priceUnit price / per